The Science, Mathematics, and Technology (SMT) Department
The SMT Department offers subjects related to the Sciences, fields of Mathematics and Technological emergence. The following table presents the SMT subjects and electives offered per year level.
The subjects shown below were carefully chosen as to which should be appropriately presented in the first year level.
Arts/ Drafting I
Basic Drafting and Design
Computer Science I
Introduction to Information Technology
*Earth Science
Earth Science
Integrated Science
Introduction to Basic Sciences
Mathematics I
Elementary Algebra
Technology Skills I
Electricity I
*considered as elective.
2nd Year Level
The subjects and electives shown below were carefully chosen as to which should be appropriately presented in the second year level.
Arts/ Drafting I
Advanced Drafting and Design
Biology I
Introduction to Biology
Chemistry I
General Inorganic Chemistry I
Computer Science II
Introduction to computer Programming
Mathematics II
Euclidean Geometry
Mathematics III
Advanced Algebra I
Physics I
Optics and Mechanics
Technology Skills II
Electricity II
Computer-Aided Design
Environmental Science
Introduction to Ecology
Mathematics II Elective
Number Theory and Combinatorics
3rd Year Level
The subjects and electives shown below were carefully chosen as to which should be appropriately presented in the third year level.
Biology II
General Physiology and Anatomy
Chemistry II
General Inorganic Chemistry II
Computer Science III
Selected Topics in Computer Science
Mathematics IV
Advanced Mathematics: A PreCalculus Approach
Physics II
Mechanics and Thermodynamics
Research I
Experimental Science i
Biology Elective
Introduction to Microbiology
Chemistry Elective
Selected Topics in Chemistry
Math III Elective
Mathematics investigations for High School Students
Physics Elective
TS Elective
Digital Electronics
4th Year Level
The subjects and electives shown below were carefully chosen as to which should be appropriately presented in the fourth year level.
Biology III
Cell Biology and Genetics
Chemistry III
Advanced Topics in Chemistry
Computer Science IV
Selected Topics in Computer Science
Mathematics V
Elementary Analysis
Physics III
Electromagnetism, Electronics, Physical Optics and Modern Physics
Research II
Experimental Science II
Biology Elective
Field Biology
Chemistry Elective
Industrial Chemistry
Math IV Elective
Probability and Statistical Methods for Research
Physics Elective
Selected Topics in physics (STP)
*The data presented above are based from the curriculum released from the PSHS-CMC Administration. Not all subjects are necessarily the same with those of the main campus. Some electives were dissolved due to the lacking number of teachers in specific fields.