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first of all, i would also like to congratulate DET2x and NEZI for a GREAT JOB. [go research!]:o8)
and yeah, sana ay may alumni page. at yung tool na pwede mag-upload kami ng stuffs- files, pics, etc na ofcourse related sa pisay-cmc, i agree with hanie- MORE emoticons.
sana ay maupdate japun ninyo ni even though college nasad mo puhon. [y not give the task to the future SCS officers?! la lng. juz a wild idea.]
haha,,kanang 20hrs na libre sa mga freshie studz sa elbi n dil kay bunga sa ato GABUROT na tuition fee...maau ug gi-utilize nimo...hehehe...
iya - :)
03/24/2008 at 10:27am (UTC)
la lang. . . cOngratz sa mga nakapasa sa DOST!!!!! <applause>
wala nay lingaw..just making use of my 20hr free internet usage dri sa main lyb.... only for freshies..kaya ang mga nakapsa ug UP DIL dra, pag UP DIL namo!
(hassle kaau ang code2x ai...pede na xa mawala?? )
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PSHS-CMC.page.tl was constructed as a fulfillment for the Research 2 Project: Online Student Information System for Philippine Science High School- Central Mindanao Campus , with proponents Everette R. Alivio and Ninez Jamero Hernandez.